Power to the Blogger

OK, how many of you realise the potential a blog could have for your business?

Out of those who put your hand up, how many of you actually blog to help generate traffic to your main website and raise your profile?

I thought as much. Blogging is one of those things that most of us know we should be doing. Most of us realise that it is one of the best ways to generate traffic and links to your business site. But few of us actually take time out to create one and make it work.

I guess the biggest barriers to blogging regularly and well are time and energy. When you throw into the mix the fact that results are slow and only become apparent over time, people give up before they’ve even got started.

Blogging well takes time and patience, but it is well worth it.

If you have a blog but don’t think it’s working for you take a look at this recent post on Copyblogger and make sure you’re not committing any of the 7 deadly sins to blogging.

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