Power to the Blogger

Hands up everyone who understands why you should have a blog?

Good – now hands up those of you who actually blog?

I thought so. Just about everyone understands the power of a blog when it comes to driving traffic to your main business website. It acts as a tool for building links and as a way to elevate yourself to expert status in your chosen field. Your clients and readers will love you because you are providing them with excellent and valuable information – you are giving them something for nothing.

So, if you understand all of that, why aren’t you blogging?

Yes it takes time, results aren’t immediate and you have to have a degree of creativity to produce a post that someone is going to want to read, but surely the benefits far out weight that?

If you are humming and harring about setting up a blog, or you have one but have let it slide, have a read of this fantastic post by Coppyblogger about the 7 Deadly Sins of Blogging and push those hurdles out of the way and get blogging.

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