The inbox is a harsh and unforgiving environment. For an email to survive it has to be strong, clear and concise otherwise it could end up in the pit of doom – also knows as the deleted items folder (or worse still, the junk mail).
Subject lines that won’t get ‘junked’
The subject line of your message is its ‘do or die’. If it doesn’t catch the recipient’s eye the email will go straight to the delete box.
So how do you make sure your email survives this particular hurdle?
- Keep it short – no more than 60 characters (including spaces)
- Personalise it – if possible add the recipient’s name
- Identify your company – get your company name in there
- Tell them what your e-mail’s about (e.g. new ideas for home makeovers)
- State a benefit – this will act as an enticement
Don’t go too salesy
If you have a hard salesy subject line your email will probably be deleted. Your recipient will know in an instant you just want to sell them something and the barriers will go up.
You also have to be careful about what words you use. Tripping a spam filter can be all too easy so you have to choose your words very cautiously. Therefore words you would normally use in headlines should be avoided in subject lines, such as:
- You – almost always shows the email is coming from a stranger
- Exclamation marks – I’m not a fan of these little fella’s anyway and they certainly are not welcome in subject lines.
- Buzz words such as – free, sale, only, urgent, information, limited-time, opportunity… By all means use these in your email body, but not the subject line.
By following this advice your email marketing should run a bit smoother. Your subject line should come across as unthreatening and hopefully, interesting enough for the recipient to open and read on…
Further reading:
Is Email Marketing Right For You?
Work Your Way Towards The Perfect Email Body
Sally Ormond – Freelance copywriting services

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