Newsletter Content – What Do I Write?


Producing a regular newsletter for your business is a great marketing tool.

Whether you write the content yourself or you hire a freelance copywriter, you must ensure the content is something your reader will want to read. If not, you’ll be buried under an avalanche of unsubscribers.

What makes a good newsletter?

This might sound obvious, but the clue is in the name – newsletter.

Yes, you’ve got it – news.

Tell them something they’ll be interesting in such as the latest industry news, tips that will be of use in their work, articles that are relevant to their industry etc.

This will help strengthen your relationship with your customers.

What makes a bad newsletter?

A newsletter that bangs on constantly about your achievements, your products and your services.

You walk a fine line because you’ll want your newsletter to generate business for you but you also want to build strong relationships.

How do I achieve the ultimate balance?

You provide information that is useful and relevant and within that copy you weave references to your products and services. Within this context they will appear as being of service to your reader rather than self-serving.

What kind of articles can I lead with?

It’s always a good idea to have a lead article for your newsletter. If you have too many subjects within one issue you’re reader may be left confused. Some great ideas for this are:

  • Latest industry news
  • Advice
  • Analysis on a new topic or product
  • How-to article
  • Case studies because people love to read real life stories

Your additional material could be things like – product updates, news about upcoming events, general information or reminders and teasers for the next issue

Of course – the final thing to remember (as with all email communication) is to include an opt-out option.

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#1 Lorraine on 12.13.09 at 2:00 am

Your post is timely for me as I’m about to mail my first newsletter.

My clients fall into several segments, so my biggest challenge was answering the question, “What news will interest them?” As you know, it’s crucial to target as tightly as possible.

It was tough narrowing content choices. But I did–and now will see how the chips fall!

#2 admin on 12.13.09 at 10:47 am

Hi Lorraine – good luck with the newsletter!


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