Copywriting and The Power of Attraction


Because copywriting is sales writing it is designed to be read, persuade and sell.

Your writing has to emit a magnetic force that is so powerful it draws your reader in and holds their attention.

This isn’t a God given gift that only freelance copywriters have; it is something that anyone can achieve if they follow a few simple rules.

Want to know what they are?

Be direct

That doesn’t mean “Buy it!” will work.

People have a tendency to ‘over write’ because they think it sounds better – it doesn’t.

For example: “Most primary school children almost certain believe that Father Christmas still exists.”

Long winded or what?

Most primary school children believe in Santa.” – Much better.


This can be done in a good way to create a rhythm that’ll draw your reader in. Repetition can be good when done well. Repetition can be annoying when over used.


If you use the passive voice in your writing you’ll use more words, appear lazy and produce something that’s not engaging. A passive sentence would be “the cat was stroked by the girl” but by swapping round the subject and object of the sentence you will make it active – “the girl stroked the cat”

Being active is much better.


When it comes to writing, less is most definitely more. When people read, they usually manage the first few sentences and then start scanning. Get your important information in early and don’t waffle.

Short sentences

Short sentences are easy to read. They are easy to understand. When you start getting complicated, and I think we can all be guilty of that at times, people begin to get bored and you run the risk of them deciding it’s not worth persevering with your overly long sentences especially as by the time they’ve reached the full stop they can’t remember what they were reading about anyway. (Gasp for breath!)


Don’t answer all their questions. Leave them wanting more.

No adjectives

Adjectives are nasty little suckers that sneak into your writing and dull your message. During your first editing read through be ruthless and banish them.


Tell them a story about how your product solved someone’s problem. Understand what your product can do in a real life situation is very powerful.


Be conversational in your writing. Resist the temptation to write in a regional dialect – that really won’t work. Talk to your reader and they’ll respond; talk at them and they’ll walk away.

By putting these simple ideas into effect you’ll produce sales writing that’s readable and engaging.

Good luck.

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#1 Marian Schembari on 12.16.09 at 6:56 pm

This post is fantastic! Great advice and very to-the-point 😉

#2 admin on 12.16.09 at 7:32 pm

Hi Marian, I’m glad you found the post interesting.

Merry Christmas!


#3 Mark on 12.22.09 at 7:55 am

Thanks for the that – was a good exercise in remembering the fundamentals of good copy. As with many things in life, sticking to the basics is the foundation of success. It’s so easy to over-complicate everything. I guess this is a long-winded way of saying, err, thanks! Mark

#4 admin on 12.22.09 at 9:01 am

Hi Mark – thanks for your comment

Merry Christmas


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