I started out as a freelance copywriter nearly three years ago. During that time, not being the greatest face to face networker in the world, I have utilised the power of social media to drive my business forwards. That’s great if you ‘get’ social media but if the likes of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and the myriad other websites leave you cold, it can all seem like a total waste of time.
The down side of social media
If you don’t know what you are doing, social media could quite easily be the death of your business. Sound extreme? Well, it’s true.
You can spend hours playing with your Twitter account, Facebook Fan page and all manner of other forums and networking sites, but if you don’t have a clear strategy you’ll be heading for trouble.
Many people associate being busy with being profitable. But if your ‘busy-ness’ comes from the fact you’re spending hours sending out useless tweets rather than going out meeting and greeting and getting deals signed, you’re going nowhere fast.
Your social networking is there to compliment your traditional face to face networking. They should go hand in hand.
Social media for local business
Because it’s on the world wide web many people see social media as a platform for global networking. Yes, it can be that if you want, helping your company reach parts you never thought possible. But it can also be very effective on a local level too.
Networking events aren’t always the most targeted way of meeting new and valuable contacts or clients. Most of the time you never quite know who you’ll meet. By using the power of online networking you can change all that.
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Start a local group online
Use sites such as LinkedIn or Facebook to start local discussion groups. This is a great way to get in touch with other local businesses and share ideas.
Hold a meetup/tweet up
Get together with your online local networking groups. Find tweeters from your area and arrange a Tweetup. This is a great way to firm up those online relationships you’ve already started.
Facebook targeted ads
If you have a Facebook fan page (here’s my freelance copywriting page – feel free to become a fan, it would be great to see you there) use Facebook’s targeted advertising service to get your name in front of local prospects.
Google local 10 box
If you’re not already there, get yourself listed in Google’s local 10 box and get yourself in front of people looking for local businesses like yours.
Above all, if you’re using social media make sure you have a strategy and stick to it. Plus compliment your online activties with going out meeting and greeting.
Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

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