There are a number of people out there that believe marketing copywriting is all about hype.
You will obviously emphasize the main benefits your product/service will bring to your customers, but not in a way to sound unbelievable.
Your readers aren’t stupid and they’ll soon pick up on unrealistic claims. And when they do, they’ll simply move on to another business that has a more honest approach.
There is also another brand of copywriting out there.
Does my bum look big in this?
That is a prime example of a question you should answer with conviction. A resounding “absolutely not” is far more convincing than “I don’t think so”.
In a similar vein, there is rather a lot of copy out there which sounds very uncertain. You can spot it a mile off as it contains words like:
- perhaps
- like
- maybe
- sometimes
- generally
- on the whole
By using these words in your copy you are shouting from the roof tops “I’m not really sure whether you would be interested or not in our products but perhaps you might like to try it – if you wanted to – possibly?”
You’ll come across as though you are either:
a) hiding something from you reader
b) not at all convinced about your product/service
You know your product/service better than anyone. Your writing has to be positive and convincing. If you want to show your reader you mean business and that your product is perfect for them, you must use words such as:
- guaranteed
- proven results
- best
- always
I’m sure you can think of many others.
Why you need to know this
We are not always good at shouting about how great our businesses are. But in your marketing, there’s no room for empty platitudes.
By using strong, commanding language within your marketing you are showing your confidence in your product. Your confidence will instil confidence in your reader – just make sure you don’t make empty promises. You must be sincere, honest and trustworthy if you are to attract and retain clients.
Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

1 comment so far ↓
Wow what great advices you give on this blog!
It is so true. I see many, many sales pitch (specially in the Internet Marketing world), that just hype, hype, and hype to such an extent that it becomes off putting to the visitor!
I think this post sums up marketing copy writing.
I lol’d when I read this:
“I’m not really sure whether you would be interested or not in our products but perhaps you might like to try it – if you wanted to – possibly?”
It is also not good to be unsure of your own product!
Also, I read somewhere that if you just tell the benefits, 90% of your copy is done.
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