Using Images for SEO

search engine optimisationAs a copywriter I have a lot of people coming to me for SEO copywriting.

More and more people are beginning to appreciate the power of the internet as a marketing tool. They also realise that if they are to be found, they have to get to get to grips with search engine optimisation.

For many, that still seems to mean stuffing as many keywords as possible into their copy. Please, please don’t do that.

SEO copy is not about how many times you can fit a word or phrase onto a page. If you do, you’ll end up with something that is unreadable, unattractive and  that won’t convert your visitors into customers.

SEO copywriting is about understanding where your keywords and phrases need to go to have the most effect. How to layout your text to make it readable. And how to position your writing so it’s informative, benefits driven and so it talks to your reader.

All of that takes some doing so if you need help, get in touch and I’ll be happy to provide you with a quote to take your business forward.

Anyway, enough of that – this blog post is about a different form of SEO.

If you look back through this blog, and indeed any other that you follow, you’ll notice I use images a lot.

There are several reasons for this:

  • They make the page look nice
  • They can pique your readers’ curiosity
  • They help with SEO

That final point is one that is often overlooked. After all they are only images and the search engine spiders don’t have eyes.

That may be true, but there are a number of ways your images can help your blog posts and website copy in terms of search engine optimisation.

Are you using your images to the max?

I stumbled across a blog post by the Top Rank online marketing blog the others day that goes into this exact subject.

Their post 6 Tips on Image SEO gives valuable information on how to make the most out of using images in your website.

In an increasingly competitive online world, every ounce of SEO power you can utilise for your website is worth its weight in gold.

Are you using your images to their full potential?

Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Nabeel | Create Your First Website on 06.23.10 at 11:35 am

Hi sally,

I did not know the importance of images for SEO. You are correct, they are often overlooked.

Images have obvious presentation benefits, but I did not know much about the SEO benefits. I did read somewhere about the ‘ALT’ image tag. It said that it has benefits for SEO. And also, they are mentioned in the toprank blog.


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