If you look back through this blog, you’ll find a number of posts about search engine optimisation.
I’ve tried to dispel the many myths that surround this concept – a concept many consider as mysterious.
Well, it’s not.
The SEO industry doesn’t have a great reputation. That is mainly due to the vast number of SEO Cowboys out there who love to take businesses for a ride by employing ‘black hat’ SEO practices. Investing in the services of a reputable SEO company and SEO copywriter will pay dividends.
So how do you know whether you are being taken for a ride?
- Keyword density
- Guaranteed front page listing
- META tags have no relevance
- Link out to relevant sites to boost SEO
- SEO is a short term solution
If a SEO company uses any of these phrase, run for the hills and don’t look back.
Plus, SEO is something that you can maintain once you have a strategy in place. The processes of link building, keyword research and keeping an eye on your analytics are all things that you can do.
To help ensure you don’t get lassoed by a cowboy outfit, check out these 10 SEO myths debunked by SEO Works – The Blog
Don’t forget the copy
I mentioned earlier about investing in great SEO copywriting. Even if your SEO strategy is working like a dream and you’re getting shed loads of visitors, if your website copy isn’t converting you are walking away from open wallets.
SEO copywriting is an art in its own right. Not only do you have to create informative, benefits driven, customer-orientated copy, it also has to be search engine friendly. That doesn’t mean cramming it with your keywords, but rather knowing where the optimum places are for those keywords.
So if you are serious about getting your website working for you, make sure you also find yourself a great SEO copywriter – one that really knows what they’re doing.
Sally Ormond is a leading SEO Copywriter – get in touch now and make sure your website copy carries clout.

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