Finding Customers Using Social Media

social media

Many companies are now beginning to find their feet with social media. They’re getting their heads around tweeting, Facebook. Google Wave and all the other weird and wonderful platforms out there. They are discovering which social media platform to use, they just don’t know how.

But for many, finding customers is still a big issue. Until they can qualify their time spent tweeting etc., with an increase in business they remain sceptical about its uses in the business world.

The key thing to remember is that just because you are using social media doesn’t mean customers will come flooding to your door. It doesn’t work like that. As a business you have to follow customers across the social web.

I came across a blog post the other day that will help you achieve this. Convince and Convert’s 4 Detective tricks to find your customer in social mediawill help you understand how to use social media as part of your business.

Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

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#1 Nabeel | Create Your First Website on 07.02.10 at 12:10 pm

Great share Sally.

Great share.

“As a business you have to follow customers across the social web.”

I didn’t ever though about this. The way they present it, makes sense.

I had a question:

“Have you added the ability for email recipients to share content on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and elsewhere?”

Does Aweber have this functionality?


#2 admin on 07.02.10 at 4:02 pm

Hi Nabeel – personally I haven’t added the ability for email recipients to share content and I’m not sure whether Aweber will allow you to do it. Sorry.


#3 Gareth Rees on 07.05.10 at 4:26 pm

I think the monitoring opportunities available through social media are sometimes missed, but can be so valuable. Even if a client isn’t a natural fit for social media, I’ll still suggest they monitor what’s going on even if they don’t participate. Its priceless information for any business.

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