As a freelance copywriter, I have been blogging for several years now, so what I do has become second nature. But many of you are probably coming to blogging without any experience and find the whole concept daunting. To me, it is a simple and effective method you can use to promote your business, elevate yourself to expert status within your field and get the word out about what you do.
Last week I had lunch with one of my clients who was quizzing me about various aspects of social media marketing, including blogging. As I enthusiastically launched into a speech outlining all the major benefits that blogging brings, I could see he was drowning in information overload. So I thought the easiest way to explain how to blog effectively was to blog about it.
How to be an effective blogger
The key to blogging is to do it regularly. It’s like all social media, the more you do it, the more exposure you’ll get and the more you’ll get out of it. The optimium blogging frequency will differ depending on who you talk to. Some blog daily, some even multiple times per day. But to be successful, you have to find a frequency that works for you.
Personally, I post blogs three times a week (twice a week on my other blog). This fits in with the time I have available and provides regular content for my readers. Whatever you decide, stick to it. As you gather regular readers they will grow to expect your next ‘installment’ so don’t disappoint them.
To help me stay on course, I tend to blog ahead and schedule the posts. Therefore if I have a ‘quiet’ day I can write several posts, upload them and schedule them for publication – this can save a lot of time.
As you read this, the number of times you blog probably isn’t at the forefront of your mind right now. You’re probably thinking how on earth can you constantly generate new ideas? Well, we’ll look at that next.
Ideas factory
Coming up with new material can seem daunting when you’re first starting out. So here are some tips to make sure those ideas keep flowing:
- keep a pad on your desk so when an idea comes to you, you can jot it down
- read other industry blogs and magazines to generate ideas
- comment on current affairs especially if you can tie them into your industry
- invite your readers to comment – you may get some spin off ideas from these
- write ‘how to articles’ and ‘top tips’ relating to what you do
Before you know it, you’ll have a stack of articles ready to go.
What’s your purpose?
As you are writing, make sure you know why you are writing. Every post must be created with a purpose. You may be looking to promote something through your writing, perhaps you want to start a discussion, you might be after more business or perhaps you want to attract links.
Whatever it is, keep this in the forefront of your mind as you write.
Every post is valuable so make sure you make it work for you.
Giving something back
Don’t forget, if you want people to take time out of their busy day to read your posts, you have to give them something in return.
The information has to be of value to them. Plus, try to remain on topic. What do I mean? Well, this blog is all about copywriting tips, marketing tips, how to use social media marketing and copywriting SEO related issues. So when a post is published you, my readers, know roughly what genre it will be about. If you bombard your readers with random posts they probably won’t come back for more.
Make your blog an encyclopedia for your area of expertise.
Write simply and with love
The layout of your blog post is very important. It has to be attractive and not too heavy.
Begin with a catchy heading. It should be interesting enough to draw in your reader so arouse their curiosity. To help your SEO, get your keyword in there – so if you are writing about copywriting, try and get that into the heading if you can.
Next comes an image. You may not see that as important, but a good image will draw readers in. Use something playful, something that will pique their curiosity.
Then comes the hard part – writing an interesting and entertaining post. Make sure the body of your post is packed with useful information. You know the audience you are targeting and therefore you’ll know what they are looking for – so give to them in spades. Break up the copy with sub headings to make it easier to read. And finally don’t let it go out with a fizzle; invite comments or add in a call to action (depending on what the aim of your post is).
So that’s how I go about blogging. What do you do? Do you have any other ideas to help out the new bloggers on the block?

Great ideas Sally.
All these tips will come in handy and will help me a lot in starting a blog. Thanks a lot.
“Write simply and with love” This is exactly the impression I have of this blog, as I really like posts here. They are written with much clarity and simplicity, just enough to make in enjoyable and understandable.
Great post, thanks!
As a freelance copywriter I have to say blogging not only offers a cathartic release, but also a great way to showcase your work and pepper one’s site with keyword-rich content.
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