Social Media and Email Marketing

email marketing Email marketing has been a revolution for many businesses.

It has given them an opportunity to market to thousands of people simultaneously and in a very cost effective way. Not only that, but it is also measurable – you can see who’s opened your email, what they did after they read it etc.

But, as a copywriter, one of the hardest aspects of email marketing is coming up with a subject line that makes people want to open the email. It is the do or die. If you can’t get people to open it, you not going to sell them anything.

Creating subject lines takes a lot of work and in my previous post 10 Words That Will Make People Open Your Email I shared with you some powerful words that would help boost your open rate.

But the best way to determine the effectiveness of any subject line it to test it. Split testing is often used – send one group an email with one subject line, and then send another group the same email but with a different subject line. But how about using social media to test their effectiveness?

This, I will admit, was something I’d never actually thought of until I read a post on BlueSkyFactory’s blog. In How to use social media to boost email marketing open rate, Christopher Penn describes how he used Twitter to help determine the effectiveness of an email subject line.

If your Twitter following resembles the demographics of your email marketing list, why not try it out?

If you do, bookmark this post and come back and tell me how you got on.

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#1 Nabeel | Create Your First Website on 08.04.10 at 11:22 am


Great idea. I never thought of this. You are right, subject lines matter a lot.

This way of testing looks pretty good, but only if you have a lot of relevant followers. Right now, I do not have many followers, but I will use it when I have more followers.


#2 Kate on 08.06.10 at 10:14 am

Hmm. Good idea in theory, but the likelihood of most freelance copywriters having a twitter following that resembled any of their clients’ email lists is a little hard to believe. Just sayin’. 🙂

#3 admin on 08.10.10 at 9:49 am

Hi Kate, what you say is true but this post is aimed at anyone in business, not just freelance copywriters.


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