SEO Link Building – Mistakes to Avoid

link building

A big part of any search engine optimisation strategy is building quality links.

How do they help?

Well, think of it this way – every web page has page rank (0 – 10 depending on your web page’s value with 0 being the lowest) so when another site links to you (assuming it’s a follow link) part of that page rank filters through to you (what I like to call link juice). So, the more good quality websites you get linking to you, the higher your page rank will go. And the higher then page rank, the more authoritative your website is, so the higher it ranks.

By far the best way to link build is by doing it organically:

  • Write great content that people will want to link to
  • Submit your website to directories
  • Blog linking back to your website
  • Write and submit articles

Although this takes time it is very effective and you won’t fall foul of Google.

Is there a quicker way?

If you are the type of person who likes to take short cuts, yes, there is a quicker way.

You can always buy links but, as Julie Joyce on Search Engine Journal explains in her post 4 Huge Mistakes to Avoid When You Build Links“, if you do you’ll be going against Google’s guidelines and you’ll be risking your website.

So if you want your website to climb the rankings safely without upsetting Google, go organic – it’s the only way.

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#1 Nabeel | Create Your First Website on 08.09.10 at 10:50 am


Great advice. I would prefer natural and organic link building. These are too risky.

Also, I think that building links the organic way is fun too! I enjoy the process and seeing the results is a great motivation.


#2 on 08.09.10 at 5:04 pm

I think it’s the classic problem. People don’t want to spend too much time link building, it’s just something in the way of getting them ‘to the top’ of a search engine. I prefer this way of looking at things…become an expert, and the links will come to you.

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