The way we read is being revolutionised.
With advances in technology it is now ‘cool’ to read our favourite books on a Kindle reader:
“A revolutionary electronic-paper display provides a sharp, high-resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper”
No, I’m sorry but that’s just not right.
I don’t want to hold an inanimate object and read from a screen. For me reading is about connecting with something tangible. I like to hold a book, feel it’s pages, listen to the gentle sound as each page is turned, see the creases in the spine – I WANT TO TO TURN PAGES!!!
On holiday I’ll take several novels. Yes they take up space in my luggage but I don’t care. I can read them anywhere without fear of getting a flat battery.
There is something special about a book – whether it’s new or second hand – that can never be replaced by a screen.
If the text in my book is small, compact and endless, I don’t care. I’ll read it. But if writing on a screen is small, compact and endless I won’t read it.
It’s just like websites and blogs that you see which are crammed to the rafters with copy. They are so difficult to read. Writing copy for the web is very different from writing for printed media. Most people find reading from a screen difficult and if they are faced with a wall of text, they probably won’t even bother.
Make your writing look interesting
Content has to look attractive to make someone read it.
Creating space around your words is more likely to encourage someone to read them.
Rather than writing long paragraphs of text, break it up into chunks separated by white space. Insert sub headings to signal to your reader what each section is about.
Basically, if you want people to read the content on your website you have to make it look inviting. Your copy has to be interesting, relevant and search engine friendly. Getting the right amount of content on your page is vital – but good SEO Copywriting doesn’t necessarily mean writing thousands and thousands of words.
So what is the optimium amount of copy? Well the simple answer is it depends.
You’ll need enough to get your keywords in and enough to make sure you get your message across to your reader. At the end of the day it will depend on the competitiveness of the keywords you have chosen and what you actually want to say.
Getting your web content right is vital for your search engine optimisation so it pays to invest in the services of a good SEO Copywriter who understands how to write great content that is appealing to your reader and the search engine spiders.
For me, no amount of electronic gizmos will ever replace a good old fashioned book. Reading from a screen is always going to be difficult so if you want people to read your material make sure you follow the advice in this blog post.
Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

1 comment so far ↓
I totally agree with you. Nothing beats reading an actual book. You can turn it, you can feel it etc.
I also hate it when I am faced with a large block of text on the PC screen. Why don’t people realise that it is very hard to read large blocks of text on the screen?
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