If you own a business, you can’t help but have noticed that online is the place to be these days.
The vast majority of the population is searching the internet for the goods and services they want, so if you want be part of the action you have to have an online presence.
But lobbing a website into cyber space isn’t as easy as it sounds.
There are a number of online marketing pitfalls just waiting for the unsuspecting business owner who perhaps isn’t quite as web savvy as they think. That’s not meant to be criticism of all business owners – it’s just that the web changes at an alarming rate so it is vital you understand it and keep up with the latest techniques, taboos and pitfalls that await you.
Having a successful web presence takes time and money. Throwing any old thing together will kill your business quicker than anything. After all if you had a High Street store you would make sure the window display was inviting to passers by. Your website is your online shop window so treat it as that. It should be professional, appealing and tailored to your business needs.
This superb post on Copyblogger will help you navigate the mine field that is online marketing. Mel Brennan’s post 6 Online Marketing Mistakes that Will Kill Your Business takes you by the hand and walks you through the 6 no-nos of internet marketing.
It’s really worth taking a few minutes of your day to read through it and make sure you’re not committing any cardinal sins.
Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

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