I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that Google has been making a few changes to its search facility.
Google Instant is here!
Now, when you make a search, Google predicts what you’re searching for. Once you see your search term appear in the box (as you can see below Google predicted I was searching for a freelance copywriter) results are automatically shown and change instantly depending on how your search term develops:
There have been numerous posts and news articles written about this new phenomena and what it is going to mean to users.
Rather than going over old ground, I wanted to being one of the best posts to your attention to illustrate precisely what Google Instant is going to mean to search engine optimisation.
If you haven’t already seen it, here’s a link to SEOBook.com’s post – How Google Instant Changes the SEO Landscape.
There are a couple of videos embeded within the post which are really good – one is quite long though so it may be best to save that one for your coffee break.

1 comment so far ↓
Thanks for this post. It was really useful to understand the changes in Google. Ya I know that no one can really understand the Google but it helped to reach near that. Thanks anyways.
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