SEO and Google Instant Preview

Things are changing in Google’s house once more.

If you are a regular user of the search engine you may have noticed its latest offering—Google Instant Preview.

As shown here, along side your search results are little magnifying glasses. By clicking on one a pop up appears showing a ‘preview’ of the website so you can check it out before clicking on the actual link for the site.

Google instant preview

It’s designed to help the user save time by taking a peak at what the website offers before committing to that ultimate click.

But how does it affect the website owner and their search engine optimisation strategy?

The short answer is no one really knows yet—time will give us more of an insight into how it affects searching habits. But there are a few things you can do to maximise the chances of your website being chosen.

Banish flash

You already know that flash isn’t great for SEO. The search engine spiders have a tough time crawling through it and are unable to distinguish between normal text and that within header tags. But the added complication with flash is that it doesn’t do anything for your Google Instant Preview. This is because the Preview can’t render the flash element leaving your website looking distorted. So, if you want your website to look its best, you’d best ditch the flash.

META Descriptions

We all know that your META Description doesn’t have a direct effect on your SEO as far as ranking position goes, but it does as far as attracting that all important click goes.

The 150 characters within your META Description have to convince the reader your website is worth checking out. So if you want them to click your link or Preview magnifying glass, you must make every single word count.

Header tags

As you can see from the image above it’s not easy to make out the body text on the preview. But what are readable are the headings. Therefore the reader is going to base their decision on whether to click on your link or not, on the layout, headings and styling of your page—so you’d better make sure your headings are relevant and the look is just right.

Images and Alt tags

The images you use on your website are there to lure your reader so to give your SEO as much chance as possible make sure their filenames and Alt tags are descriptive, relevant and contain your keywords.

So whether you’re a copywriter, electrician, solicitor or builder these are 4 very simple techniques you can use to boost your website’s chances of receiving that coveted click.

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