One of the most vital aspects for any individual or company looking to boost their profile is getting involved with social media. Since starting out as a freelance copywriter I’ve embraced social media channels to ‘get my name out there’, offer advice and drive business my way.
But if you’re a newbie, where so you start?
There is a social media language that many find impenetrable – what do you do? Should you Tweet, Facebook, go with LinkedIn? Once you have set your profiles and accounts up, what then?
Well to help you get started I found this great post on on How to Create Your Personal Social Media Brand which features a video interview with Mari Smith, author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day. Mari talks how to create yourself as a brand and how to monetize your personality on social media.
By watching the video you’ll learn how to build your own brand equity with social media plus some amazing tips for both the self-employed and people who work for large companies.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this video:
- Why you need to carve out your position and brand equity
- How to start branding yourself on social media if you don’t have any brand equity online
- Why you need to use your name on social media
- How to brand yourself on your Facebook business page
- How Mari brands herself and what she does to craft the brand she represents
So grab a coffee and take a look – it’s only takes about 6 minutes.

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