Copywriting for B2B or B2C – Is There a Difference?

This is a question that often divides people in the copywriting world.

Is there really a difference when writing directly to the public or to a business? Should you as a copywriter adopt a different approach?

Well, this blog is going to highlight my own particular view. It is a standpoint I have taken whenever I have been commissioned to provide copywriting services for my clients. It has always stood me in good stead – but each to their own: once you have read this, you can make up your own mind.

In my view B2B (business to business) sales writing should be treated in the same was as B2C (business to customer). Why should it be different?

  • Can a company physically buy something?
  • Can a company actually meet you at the coffee shop round the corner?
  • Can a company sit down at a table and sign a contract?

Of course not therefore you are writing to individuals, normal human beings within a company. No matter how high up the ladder they are, they are normal, walking, talking and breathing people. So why treat them differently?

There are 4 golden rules to follow in B2B sales writing, stick to these and you’ll be worshiped the world over.

  1. Keep it brief – you are writing to people at work so they will be time limited.
  2. Business people are human – they also make decisions partially for personal reasons (more profits equal bigger salaries etc). Tap into reason and emotion for the best results.
  3. You are writing to sell, so sell benefits – buy this and you’ll save money, save time, make bigger profits, reduce staff turnover, and improve productivity.
  4. There is no language called B2Bish – keep it plain and simple; steer clear of cliché and jargon.

Well, that’s my opinion for what it’s worth. I am sure you have your own views on this particular conundrum so why not share them? How do you approach B2B and B2C?

Sally Ormond

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Randall Gniadecki on 12.02.08 at 3:39 pm


You really hit the nail on the head, businesses are made up of people, and the people make the decisions. I have found that effective B2B copy needs to appeal to people. The trick seems to be placement. The outlets appropriate for B2B and B2C are distinctly different. Even if B2B advertisers seem drawn in my many social media sites low low click costs these avenues are mush better suited for B2C advertising.
One of the first things I do when reviewing copy for a B2B or Healthcare client is figure out who the prospective reader is, not the target company.

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