The Copywriter’s Guide to Time Travel

What I am about to tell you will probably revolutionise your business. It will give you access to one of the most prized commodities of the modern world. It will change the way you work forever.

What am I talking about?


It is the one thing many of us never seem to have enough of.

Picture this scenario:

It’s raining; I’m standing in the bus queue and strike up a conversation with the guy in an orange hat next to me:

Orange hat: ‘Miserable today isn’t it?’

Me: ‘Yes, beginning to wish I hadn’t left the office.’

Orange hat: ‘What do you do?’

Me: ‘I’m a copywriter’ [Orange hat nods but has no idea what I’m talking about] ‘I write web copy, press releases, newsletters…’

Orange hat: ‘Oh.’

Me: ‘But most importantly I save my clients time.’

Ta Da! There you go, the most important aspect of my role (other than producing killer copy for a range of copywriting services), is that I will save my clients time.

Whatever you do – running your own business or work for someone else – you know how important time is. There never seems to be enough to get everything done.

Shall I tell you why?

Because you are trying to do too much.

If you own your own business you would have noticed the correlation between success and time. The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. This is why you hire people to help you. Your time is precious so you need to use it effectively.

Many business people are capable of writing their own copy.  But it is time consuming. To help your business flourish you need to let go of some of the work. A copywriter will help you with that. Not only will they write cracking copy, but they can also use their creativity to help devise new and innovative ideas.

You should think of copywriting as an investment not an expense. If you do, you’ll see your business soar and you’ll have the time to enjoy your success.

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