Article Marketing – It’s For Humans Not Search Engines

Content drives the internet and therefore search results – that’s probably why many people are still writing articles for the search engines rather than for people.

If you fall within that category and believe strongly that your primary audience are the search engines because your articles are there purely to provide links to your website, let me ask you a few questions:

Why do you do article marketing?

  • To generate links to my website


  • So I can boost my rankings


  • So more people visit my website


  • So I can generate more sales of course

Aha! So you’re doing this to get more people to visit your website.


So why exactly are you writing mainly for the search engines? You’ve just admitted you do article marketing to attract people – not search engines, people.

If your article is incomprehensible because you’ve stuffed it with loads of keywords do you really think someone’s going waste their time reading it?

Even if it is the number one search result, no one’s going to pay it any attention.

If someone does open your article and finds it unreadable are they really going to want to follow any links within it that will take them to your website?

I doubt it because they’ll think they are going to be faced with yet more incomprehensible drivel.

So the moral is, write for your reader first and the search engines second.

What to think about when writing your articles

 Before you even touch your keyboard you must think about your reader.

  •  Who are they?
  •  What’s important to them?
  •  How much do they know about your subject matter?
  •  What issues do they have that they’re looking for solutions to?
  • What do they need to know?

It’s not until you have answered those questions can you start to create an informative and interesting article that someone will want to read.

 But what about your keywords?

 Just because you’re writing for your reader doesn’t mean you have to forget your keywords all together.

  •  Make sure they are in your eye-catching headline
  • Break your article up into short paragraphs so it’s easy to read
  • Create informative sub headings to help your reader scan your article
  • Don’t fill it with links

To make sure it reads well forget about keyword density. When you write naturally about a subject you’ll automatically use your keywords and other words related to your subject.

Once you’ve written it read it out loud to check for rhythm, an easy flow and errors. If you find you are ‘tripping’ over your keywords you’ve probably included too many. Cut back within the body of your article but make sure they are present in your headings and sub headings.

At the end of the day, if you write with your reader in mind and not the search engines you can’t go far wrong.

Remember – when it comes to article marketing, your reader is king.

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Megan on 07.20.11 at 11:28 am

Even whne i am ask to include certain keywords into an article, I do so under duress. In my opinion if an article doesn’t not warrant the use of a certain word, it should not be there.

In my blog I never think about optimising it for search engines. it just doesn’t enter my mind, however certain keywords do turn up and before I know it people have found my article online anyway.

As you say, write for your audience or for yourself. never for Google. Blogging is supposed to be fun anyway – stuffing in keywords is never a fun exercise – just frustration and it ruins some very good writing.

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