The good news is that loads of businesses understand the importance of content generation. Whether it’s through blogging or article marketing, they appreciate that constantly producing great content boosts their online presence.
The bad news is that unless people can find it, it won’t get read and won’t generate the constant stream of traffic to your website that you were hoping for.
How do you make sure people can find your stuff?
There are several things you can do to make sure your hard work isn’t wasted.
1. Research
Before you start writing anything, take a good look at your target audience. What is it that they want? What interests them? What issues do they have that they might want help with?
Only when you can answer those questions can you be sure you’re writing focused, informative articles that they’ll want to read.
2. Call to action
If they do happen to find your articles and posts, but you fail to ask them to do anything once they’ve read it, they’ll just go away again.
The whole point of generating content is to drive people to your website, so make sure you tell them to visit your site, or place relevant links within your article to take them to the page on your site that holds all the answers to their questions.
3. Forget the search engines
OK, don’t write them off completely, but make sure you write for your reader. Make sure your information is interesting, well written in simple language (no jargon) and easy to read.
It is your readers who will (hopefully) be buying from you, not the search engines.
4. Keywords
Yes, I know I just said don’t write primarily for the search engines, but you still need to get your keywords in your headings and body copy if you want to be found. But that doesn’t mean stuffing it with keywords.
Keep your writing natural – the keywords will drop in automatically without you even realising it.
5. Social media
Make sure you promote your writing. Send out links through Twitter and Facebook, but make sure you add value and engage rather than just blatantly self-promote.
Social media sites (such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) are a great way to spread the word and to get your article. Plus, promoting them will encourage people to share your content with others.
Over to you
Do you content market? What has your experience been? Leave a comment below and share your tips too.
Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter, blogger and social media addict
Briar Copywriting – T:@sallyormond – F:

1 comment so far ↓
I struggle to think of content for a bi-monthly newsletter, let alone consider the 5 points you raise.
Perhaps I should dumb down a little and make more trivial ‘social media’ comments, more often?
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