There are oodles of blogs out there covering just about every subject under the sun.
In your niche, there are probably thousands of people blogging about the same subjects as you.
So how do you make yours stand out above all that noise?
How do you get your blog noticed?
Obviously you need to post great information that is relevant to your audience and well-written. But you need to go further than that if you want to start forging relationships with your readers.
The key to getting your blog noticed is adopting a distinct voice, one that is instantly recognisable as you.
When writing your blogs, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of writing in the same style as your favourite bloggers.
Someone isn’t going to be interested in reading a copy-cast style blog when they can have the real thing. You have to be different and be yourself.
So how do you achieve that?
1. Personality traits
Think about who you are. Then decide what personality traits you want your blog to have.
Do you want to come across as being?
- Formal or informal?
- Conversational and chatty?
- Amusing?
2. Be you
The best way to stand out from the crowd is to let your personality shine through.
The easiest way to achieve that is to write your posts as though you were writing them to a friend. This will automatically change the style in which you write and phrase things.
Showing your personality is the best way to get people to recognise you and engage with you.
3. Review past posts
Every blogger will have posts that do better than others. The trick to maintaining that level is to review those posts, take a look at the voice you used, the angle you wrote about, the topic and point of view you covered.
Then replicate that style.
4. Check the details
Everyone writes differently. It could be your use of punctuation that singles you out, your turn of phrase or your vocabulary and layout style.
Whatever it is, it’s going to set you apart from other writers.
Over to you
How have you developed your voice?
Are there any particular nuances that you’ve established to create your own distinctive style?
Leave a comment below and tell us how you have made yourself stand out of the crowd.
Sally Ormond
Freelance Copywriter and blogger

I love this post. I’ve been writing copy for other people for a number of years now and have only just added blog to my business site. At long last I’ve let my own voice loose and I’m loving it. I find that my own personal style of writing is chatty, informal and (I hope) amusing and that’s the way I like. I hope that my work shows people just how many different writing styles I can adopt, but it’s also nice to show them my real self too.
Hi Helen, thanks for your comment. Blogging is a great way of really letting yourself go and having fun with your writing.
Enjoy it!
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