The humble white paper is a great way to help people make decisions.
If you’re unsure what a white paper is, basically, it’s a document that describes a problem and shows the reader how to resolve it:
• It begins by discussing a challenge experienced by its readers
• Gives a compelling case as to why you should use a particular approach to solve the problem
I guess you could say they are a cross between a brochure highlighting the consumer benefits of a particular product or service and an educational magazine article, therefore conveying technical information within a marketing format.
But happens once they’re published?
The information within them is valuable marketing collateral so it seems a waste to allow it to gather dust.
Make the most of your white papers
White papers can be anything from 6 to 50 pages in length; that’s a lot of information.
Whether you publish them online or produce them as print materials, there is a way to get a bit more mileage out of them.
One such way is to repurpose the content for your corporate blog. After all, how many times have you found yourself scrabbling round for blog posts?
There are only so many times you can pester your subject matter experts within your company to write something for you. Plus, (no disrespect to the technical bods) their writing tends to be too complex for your blog readership who are looking for short posts packed with easily digestible information.
Whether you have the time and expertise within your own company to do this, or you hire in an outside copywriter, a single white paper can create a series of interesting posts.
All you have to do is:
• Re-write the content with your new readership in mind
• Devise a way of splitting the content down into individual sections (a 15-20 page white paper should generate about 7 blog posts)
• Find new ways of presenting the information (e.g. info graphics as well as text)
Before you know it, you’ll have generated a whole new series of marketing collateral.
In this way, a single white paper that would normally have been forgotten about can be converted into fresh, vibrant content that will reach out to a whole new market whilst providing you with an endless stream of blog posts.

Super sales tips for copywriters offering whitepapers as a service. There’s a lot you can do with them, and even if they say “we’ve already got a whitepaper” you can offer to rewrite it!
Hi David, businesses can get a lot of mileage out of a white paper, it’s a shame so many publish them and then forget about them.
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