Last year, we posted a blog about Using QR Codes as Part of Your Marketing Strategy.
Although they’ve been around for quite some time now, they still aren’t used as prevalently as one would expect in today’s digital world. There have been a number of occasions when their use has been far from successful, such as in places where you can’t use your phone to scan them e.g. underground or up high on billboards, in TV commercials or in emails you receive on your phone.
However, as a creative and affordable method of advertising, there are some companies out there that have actually thought it through properly to come up with come effective marketing ideas.
Of course, some decide to go down the route of using them to generate hype rather than interactivity, but if it works, why not?
To illustrate just a few innovative ideas take a look at this post featured on the Content Marketing Institute website:
7 Creative and Effective QR Code Examples From Arounf the World.
Over to you
Are you using QR codes as part of your marketing strategy?
If so, how are you using them and how successful have they been?
Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you.
Sally Ormond – MD and Copywriter at Briar Copywriting Ltd

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