Yes, but only if they have certain qualities.
You see, although blogging appears to be a simple thing to do (and it is), it does require several elements if it is to work.
Despite what you might think, an ability to write well, although important, isn’t the be all and end all. You see if you want to be a successful blogger there are a few traits that you must posses.
1. Determination
This one is right at the top of the list.
Without it you’ll probably not keep to your posting schedule and end up letting it drift away. Running a blog is something that has to be worked at and will only bring in the results you want if you’re determined to make it happen.
2. Patience
You won’t see instant results. Building a readership and reputation takes time, so don’t expect to set up a blog one day and have thousands of readers the next.
3. Personality
People will read your blog posts if they have personality.
Something that is dull and dry will turn of readers faster than a fast thing. But if you allow your own personality to seep through they will be able to get to know you and will find themselves immersed in your writing.
4. Consistency
This is both in terms of the quality of your posts, their subject range and frequency.
All your posts have to be of a high standard; if you let your game slip once you could risk losing readers. Also, your readers will come to your blog because you write for a certain niche, if you start adding random posts about anything and everything, your blog will lose its purpose and readers.
With regards to frequency, regular readers will get to know when you post and will be looking out for your next article, so when you decide on a posting frequency, stick to it.
5. Purpose
Every post you publish must have a purpose – usually to educate or provide your readers with great information.
A post without a purpose is a wasted one.
6. Honesty
If you add an affiliate link to a product within your post, tell your reader it’s an affiliated product.
Being open and honest about any potential earning power you may gain from your posts will show your honesty and integrity to your readers.
7. Communicative
The whole purpose of blogging is to communicate and interact with your readers. So when they comment on a post, respond to them and engage with them. Show them that there is a real person behind the blog.
As you can see becoming a blogger isn’t just about setting up a blog site and publishing any old thing. There’s a lot to think about, such as whom your audience is, what you want to achieve and what your audience want to see.
Blogging is for the long haul – if you’re prepared for that it can be very rewarding.
Sally Ormond – copywriter and blogger

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