Once upon a time, commenting on blogs was a great way to build links and drive traffic. Today, that’s not the case and as a result many who once were prolific commenters have written off the practice.
After all, if they’re not going to get any benefit from doing it, what’s the point?
But is that true?
Is there really no benefit to commenting on blogs? Other than the obvious knowledge gaining you get (of course, I am assuming that you actually read the blog before you comment on it), do you gain anything else?
Well in my humble opinion the answer is yes. The benefits are threefold:
- It can help you build a good relationship with other bloggers
- Well thought out and relevant comments will show others your authority in a subject
- In relation to the point above, that could potentially lead to traffic heading your way
But this will only happen if you write well-constructed comments showing that you have obviously read the original post, understood it and have something valid to say.
What you shouldn’t be doing is:
- Write something trite such as ‘Great post!’ or ‘I agree’ which are absolutely meaningless. Respond to the points raised and make sure your comment adds value
- Be controversial just because you can. I hate it when that happens; if you don’t agree, fine, but back up your opinions with relevant facts. If you just rant for the sake of it, you’ll end up discrediting yourself
- Posting rude or offensive comments is bad (do I really have to point that out?) – as your mother once said, if you have nothing nice to say keep your trap shut (I may have paraphrased that a bit)
- Posting comments that are full of links. It looks spammy and as such will be consigned to the spam bin
- Posting a comment that’s full of typos. Just as with everything else you write, read it through before you hit send
The writing, reading and commenting on blogs is essential if we are to share information and knowledge. It’s still work doing, just make sure you’re adding value with every comment.
Sally Ormond – Professional copywriter and blogger

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