Q: What is the one thing that freelance copywriters are always asked for?
A: Snappy copy.
Ask your client exactly what they mean by ‘snappy copy’ and the response is usually:
“Erm…you know…snappy…punchy…that sort of thing.”
Very insightful.
In order for a copywriter to create powerful copy, they need to utilise power words. These are very basic, simple words that don’t require defining or explaining. Your reader should be able to connect with them immediately.
You want to see some examples? OK. Power words are things such as:
- Love
- Hate
- Cash
- Care
- Best
- Crash
- Worst
- Win
- Lose
- Huge
- Risk
- Fizz
Once a copywriter has created a first draft, their next job is to read through the copy and clear out all the flabby worn-out words and replace them with something more powerful. Of course, the choice of words is going to depend on what you are writing and who you are writing for.
If you are still unsure of what I am getting at, I have listed below some worn-out words and given a powerful alternative.
Worn-out Powerful alternative
Cost-effective Cheap
Impact negatively Hurt
Optimal Best
Upgrade Boost
See how much ‘snappier’ the power words are? They will give you copy far more impact.
Sally Ormond

Great tips! And everyone loves a good set of bullets
Great tips! I am currently looking for reasons to convince my superior about the advantages of having a copywriter to write the website instead of using anyone in the company to write based on the fact that he/she has a good command of english and did marketing before
Thanks for your comment Tori and good luck – if you manage to convince them drop me a line
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