Hands up if you’ve made a comment on a Facebook business page you’ve liked, or sent a tweet to a company only never to hear a dickey bird?
I know I have.
It’s a bit like going to a party and chatting to someone only to be blanked by them. Who does that? No one does, because it’s very rude to ignore someone who’s talking to you.
It seems crazy that companies dive into social media to spread the word about how great they are, but don’t understand that it is a two-way street.
Social media isn’t a soapbox that you can shout from. It is a platform through which you can communicate with your customers.
After all, by signing up for it you gave your customers a new way to interact with you, so interact.
Make an impression
Just setting yourself up on social media isn’t good enough. You must also allocate someone to monitor the channels you use and respond on your behalf.
If your fans and followers have taken the time to make contact with you, the least you can do is respond to them because that’s how you start to build relationships. And social media is all about building relationships.
The more you interact with your fans and followers the more likely they are to share your content with their friends, widening your reach and your audience.
Speedy, speedy
One of the benefits of social media is its immediacy.
Within seconds users can respond to someone’s comment, but that does mean your fans and followers will expect to hear from you fairly soon after they post their message.
Taking days or weeks to respond is not good.
For them, your social media channels are like a customer service channel where they can post comments, complaints and compliments. But they will expect a response from you.
That’s why it’s essential you have people on your team whose job it is to respond to any questions that are raised by your customers.
You gave them the option to contact you that way by signing up for Facebook and Twitter, so it’s up to you to make sure they don’t go unheard.
Thank you
These are two simple words that are sadly so often lacking in social media.
It doesn’t take long to say thank you in response to a comment or tweet, especially if someone has taken the time to retweet something you’ve said.
Manners cost nothing, as my mum always used to say – and she was right.
OK, granted nothing here is ground-breakingly new, but considering my experience of dealing with companies thorough social media, it needs to be said.
Remember, social media should be seen as an extension to your customer service, use it well and respond quickly and you’ll go far.
Sally Ormond, Copywriter and MD at Briar Copywriting Ltd
Twitter – @sallyormond

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