Writing articles and marketing with articles is one of the best and fastest ways to market your business.
Don’t believe me? OK then, I’ll prove it. Here are seven ways you can benefit from articles.
1) Articles quickly position you as an expert in your field
Writing articles sets you apart from your competition. You never have to say “Listen to me, I’m an expert!” Your articles do that for you, because articles increase your “expert-ability.”
2) Articles can become an army of 24/7 salespeople
Once you have an article published, especially on the internet, you will achieve a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 day a year international sales team working specifically for you and your business.
3) One article can have many uses
In other words, leverage. Just one article can be used as a free report, a newsletter feature, it can become part of an online e-course, part of a book, etc.
4) Articles spread the word about your business and your services
Articles, especially when submitted online have a very long shelf life. They can be picked up by anyone at anytime and anywhere.
5) Marketing articles is simple, easy and inexpensive
It costs you nothing to write an article (apart from your time). It also costs you nothing to have it listed on article directories such as EzineArticles.com. Imagine what it would cost you to pay for that kind of exposure and publicity.
6) Articles can help you build a mailing list
Once you have a few articles out there, prospects will begin to flow in. These will build into a mailing list worth its weight in gold which can be used over and over again.
7) Articles let you stay in touch with clients and sell more products
We know that it can take from 5 to 8 contacts or more for new prospect to be ready to become a client. Articles allow you to stay in touch with prospects and provide them with quality information.
This list of 7 is just the tip of the ice berg. Article writing and article marketing will boost your business. Why not give it a go?

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