If there is one method guaranteed to get your articles and blogs read, then it would have to be to fill them with emotive content.
Before you say thanks for the tip, sit down at your desk as usual and start to write – STOP.
Emotive content doesn’t come from calm, well thought out writing. Emotion comes from within you – something has to stir you up and get you riled before it will come out in your writing.
The best time to write is when you are feeling:
- happy
- sad
- so angry you could punch the next person that looks at you
How do you get to feel like that? Read or talk to people.
Start your day reading a few blogs, even working through your email inbox can do the trick. How many times have you read something and thought what the **** are they going on about! Well when it happens write about how it makes you feel.
When our beliefs are challenged or questioned we become so wound up we need an outlet – let articles or blogging be yours.
Write about whatever has got your blood boiling – forget structure for now and just let it flow. I’ll guarantee that when you’re done, not only will you feel a whole lot better but you will also have one of your best articles in front of you.
I am willing to bet that if you had tried to sit down and write about the same subject from cold you would never have come up with an article that was so damn good.
This is because you are letting your emotion do your talking – you are holding a conversation so your writing is more relaxed and therefore more accessible to your reader.
So next time you see red, start typing or pick up a pen. Let it all pour out and before long you’ll have a stack of fantastic blogs and articles which will spark new debates, articles and blogs…

I completely agree with your article. A few years ago I tried blogging, but couldn’t think of anything to write about that would be of interest to others. Now with my business – flower greeting cards, I am so passionate about flowers that I find it relatively easy. It’s all about what inspires you, interests you etc…otherwise your writing can end up being rather bland and uninteresting to you, let alone any other readers.
As always from this blog – an excellent article which has inspired me to write one on the same subject myself and geared towards my readers. I promise to make reference to your article with a link back.
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for your comment. I’m so pleased you enjoy my blogs and that they are useful to you.
Best wishes.
Hi Sally,
Great article Sally. The only time I don’t vent, is when responding to emails that annoy me!
Thanks for the tips.
Kind Regards,
Hi Rob,
Vent away – it’s very therapeutic
Best wishes.
A girl after my own heart – rant away!!
You can’t beat a good rant
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