Briar Copywriting Talks About BT Tradespace

Recently I was asked to do a video for BT Tradespace. I have been using this service for quite some time now, in fact probably from the very start of my freelance copywriting days. It has been a great tool for me to attract business as it provides an extra web presence.

By the way, that’s not my living room!

Follow this link for more details about how your business can benefit from BT Tradespace.

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#1 Nigel Morgan on 03.16.09 at 11:55 am

Well done Sally,

Powerful video, but it does audibly illustrate the need to control the background noise when recording a video. Your eloquent and informative words are undermined by the banging doors and noisy people in the background.

It would have been enhanced by cutting with screen shots of your BT Tradespace web pages at the appropriate moments, and your own website and blog, with the web addresses appearing on screen rather than you having to say www. etc. These would have also allowed for slicker cutaways with the editing.

Nevertheless another powerful example of how video can transmit a powerful message.

#2 admin on 03.16.09 at 12:55 pm

Hi Nigel,

Thanks for your comments. The venue wasn’t ideal (a busy hotel in Banbury) but it was a case of the BT Tradespace video guy and I were in the same place so it was the ideal opportunity to do it. Perhaps if they ask me to do anymore we can find somewhere a bit quiter 🙂


#3 Briar Copywriting Talks About BT Tradespace | Freelance … « Copywriting on 03.16.09 at 2:55 pm

[…] O­riginal­ p­o­s­t: Bria­r Copy­w­ritin­g Ta­lks A­bou­t BT Tra­despa­ce | … […]

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