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January 20th, 2014 — Content marketing, Content writer, conversion
You must get into content marketing. It’s all the rage. Everyone’s doing it.
How many times have you read a blog post that sells the virtues of content marketing?
However, more often than not, they gloss over one particular aspect – what type of content you need.
You see, content isn’t just this (i.e. a written blog post); it can also be video, podcast, images, infographics etc.
Of course, the type of content you need depends on what you want to achieve (the format of it will largely depend on your audience).
You’re probably after more traffic to your website, which is another way of saying more money.

Emotional or rational?
Content boils down to two types: emotional and rational.
They will appeal to different people; some make decisions based on emotional responses, others on logical and rational foundations.
In that way, your content must be a mix of the following 4 types.
1. Something that entertains
Before you can sell to someone, you must get them interested in your company.
Entertaining content (for example, an amusing video) hits them at an emotional level. It intrigues them and makes them aware of your business. This is the type of content you need right at the top of your sales funnel.
Its purpose is to grab their interest and to engage them enough to make them want to share it so it can then do the same to others. It’s fantastic for building brand awareness and social sharing.
2. Education, education, education
Not as much fun as entertaining, but equally effective.
People love to learn, so putting out some content that educates them will a) appeal to their rational side and b) make them feel valued because you’ve taught them something valuable i.e. you’ve given them something for nothing.
Again, by giving them that warm and fuzzy feeling, it’s more likely to be shared. As before, educational content works at the top of your sales funnel and is a great way to start building valuable and trusting relationships.
3. Go on, you know you want to
The next type in the mix is content that persuades – yes, that’s right, back to emotional content. Tugging at their heartstrings will persuade them that what you’re offering is exactly what they need.
Testimonials and reviews are great for this because they give compelling reasons to buy without selling. Plus, you’re not the one telling them how great your product is, other customers are doing that for you.
Persuasion content comes in a little further along your sales funnel once your entertaining and educational content has done its job.
4. Convert
The final part of your sales funnel, converting content does what it says on the tin – it’s there to convert browsers to buyers.
This type of content must appeal to their rational side. They have to be convinced that buying your product is the right move because it will help them achieve what they want.
It’s essential that your content marketing covers all bases: video, blogs and articles and images to give it the widest appeal possible. But on top of that, it must also speak to both the emotional and rational sides of our brains.
Content is essential throughout the whole sales process from attraction right through to getting the sale. It can be web copy, brochure content, email marketing, videos, podcasts, direct mail…the list is endless. But whatever it is, it must cater for all types of customers – both the rational and emotional.
Author: Sally Ormond
August 16th, 2013 — conversion, online marketing, Title tags
Getting people to visit your website is just the first step. Once you get them there, your website has to convert them – i.e. convince them to take an action (sign up for a newsletter, buy, register for an event, download a report etc.).

There are some simple checks you can perform on your website to make sure you have the best possible chance of pulling off a conversion.
1. Title tags and META descriptions
Title tags and META descriptions are important because they are the first impression a searcher will get of your website. Not only that, but the title tag is the piece of code that lets the search engines know what your website is about to make sure it appears in the relevant search results.
When a search term is typed into the search engine and your website is listed, these must tell the searcher that your website is the one they’re looking for. That’s why its imperative these are keyword rich and use words that will make the searcher click on your link.
Every page of your website must have unique title tags and META descriptions and, as emphasis is placed on the first words, make sure that’s where your primary keywords are.
They should also be short – title tags no more than 65 characters and the META description no more than about 150. But above all, it’s important to remember both of these must appeal to a real person.
2. Headlines
Once the searcher has clicked on your listing the next thing that comes into play is your page headline.
Think about what the reader wants to know and make sure all your headlines and sub headings are useful to the reader, give a sense of urgency, convey benefits and are very specific. On top of all that, they should also include the primary keyword for your page, but again, make sure it’s written in a proper sentence that makes sense to the reader.
As soon as they arrive in your web page, the headline should tell them exactly what that page is about.
3. Call to action
A web page is useless without a call to action.
This is a button, link or sentence that tells the reader what you want them to do next:
- Buy now
- Download the report
- Register for the event
- Call us now
Each of these pushes your visitor further into your sales process. If your call to action involves them completing a form make sure it is easy to complete, the last thing you want to do is lose them at the last hurdle because your form or sign up process is unclear or overly complicated.
These 3 very simple tips will help you boost your conversion rates.
Take a look at every page of your website and see if they tick all the boxes. If not, you’ve got some work to do.
November 30th, 2012 — conversion, copywriting tips, effective copy, website copywriter, website copywriting
As yet another year draws to a close, isn’t it about time you gave your website a quick review to make sure its ready for the New Year?
There are many great sites out there that are bursting with powerful and persuasive web copy, eye-catching images and uber-friendly navigation. But on the flip side, there are that have useless content, dire navigation and as for the images…
What follows are 8 quick tips to help you make your website a nicer place to be for your visitors. They have been compiled from my pet hates and the things that I see done badly time and time again.
1. About Us
Copywriters around the world speak with one voice when they tell clients that their web copy has to be written for their readers. That means no ‘we’ and lots of ‘you’ and benefits.
A lot of business owners have a real problem with that because they just want to shout about their company and what they’ve achieved. Well, to cheer you all up, the About page is the one on which you can talk about yourself – kind of.
Your About page should tell you readers what makes you different to everyone else, your ethos, why you do what you do and also some personal information about you (to show that you’re human) and your team along with a few mug shots (to prove you’re real).
It shouldn’t just start ‘We’ve been in business since 2001 and are the best thing since sliced bread…’
2. We’re here
If you want people to do business with you, why are you making it so hard for them to find you?
Make sure you provide your physical address and a Google map so they can find you. Plus, pictures of your premises are a great idea so they recognise it when they arrive.
3. Hanging on the telephone
How many times have you been on a website only to get thoroughly frustrated when you can’t find a phone number?
Make it easy for your customers and potential customers to get in touch with you. Have your phone number clearly visible in the top left hand corner of your header.
4. Banish typos
Proofreading is sooooo important. Typos could well put people off getting in touch with you so make sure, before you publish any content on your site, that you get it proofed by someone.
5. Rules
This one is for all you site owners out there with customer logins. Now, the Internet is a wonderful thing as it means you can get all your Christmas shopping done without having to fight your way through town.
The downside is most sites want you to create an account in order to shop with them (or use their service). If you’re site is one of these and you have rules about how many letters passwords should have and whether they have to be a mixture of numbers and letters, please, please, please tell the user before they think of something.
There’s nothing more annoying than having come up with a password only to be told it’s not long enough or doesn’t contain the right combination of characters.
So if you must have rules, make them known.
6. Mobile
More and more people are using their mobile devices to access the Internet. In fact, mobile devices account for over 20% of all traffic to e-commerce sites and 1 in 3 mobile users access the Internet through their phones.
That’s why it’s so important your website is mobile friendly. After all, if they try to access your site and it’s slow or unreadable, they’re going to head off in search of another site that’s easier to use.
7. Social
Yes, social media is taking over the world. Unless you want to be left behind, you must make sure your site is social.
Offering customers the ability to share your stuff with their friends is vital to spread the word. Twitter, Facebook and other social sites mean customers can talk to you easily and help promote your amazing service (it is amazing, right?) by telling their friends.
It’s here to stay so get with it.
8. Fabulous photos
How many websites have you seen with woeful photography or stacks of stock images?
Come on people be a bit more inventive. Don’t be tight, splash out and get some decent shots taken of your premises, stock, people etc. Make the images on your website unique.
Right, that’s your homework for December – check your website and make sure it’s firing on all cylinders for the New Year.
November 5th, 2012 — Achieving goals, conversion, copywriting tips
Audience engagement is the name of the game.
Everyone is trying to attract as much traffic as possible and then capture as much information about them as possible.
I don’t know about you, but I get a little bit hacked off at the number of sites these days that want you to set an account to access information. In fact, it’s pretty much at the point now that I won’t enter my details and come up with yet another password, instead I’ll move along and see if I can source the information I need another way.
I understand why marketers want to capture my information, but I often wonder whether they’ve actually thought about their web visitors much and the impact it has on them.
To show what I mean, here is an infographic that those lovely people at Convince and Convert have allowed me to reproduce (created by Janrain), which shows why 86% of users may leave a website when asked to open an account.

July 18th, 2012 — blogging for business, Content marketing, Content writer, conversion, copywriting tips, internet marketing
Most online marketers engage in content marketing in one form or another.
They understand the benefits it brings to their website’s visibility, customers’ satisfaction levels and of course, their bottom line.
But content marketing is only any good if people can find your blogs and articles. So, how can you be sure it’s being found and being read?
It all comes down to measuring the 3 pillars of content marketing:

This one is concerned with how easily people can find your content.
When you check your Google Analytics, if your page views are low, it would suggest your content is less than prominent in the search results.
You can remedy this by comparing the keywords that people are using to find your content with the ones that are part of your strategy. You’ll also need to check your META tags and META descriptions. And remember, your META description is the initial hook you can write to encourage someone to click through to your website so make sure it’s enticing.
Assuming people can find your content, they’re only going to read it if it resonates with the. Are you offering a solution to their problem? Are you providing the answer they’ve been looking for?
In your Analytics, this can be judged by your bounce rate (the percentage of people that land on your site and then leave immediately). A high percentage suggests they are not engaging with your content. So, make sure it is packed with benefits and written from your customers’ point of view – not blatant promotion for your company.
The type of post you produce is also important.
We’ve already said how important it is that your content resonated with your reader, but it’s equally as important that the format of your post appeals to them.
How to articles, statistics, templates etc., are all very popular because they give your reader something for nothing.
The number of sign ups to your RSS feed and the number of shares you receive on social media will reflect how ‘on target’ your information is.
You see, content marketing is essential for any online business – from copywriters to solicitors, software houses to photographers – it will:
- Promote you as an expert in your field
- Give you more ownership of the web
- Boost your visibility in the search results
- Generate links to your website
But to get the most from it, make sure you always think of your customer and measure your results.