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X-Factor, Chris Moyles and a Missing Curry

This post is a little out of character as it doesn’t have anything to do with copywriting. In fact, copywriting won’t be mentioned at all (well, apart from those two occasions).

I received an email this morning with this YouTube clip. If it can make me laugh at 8am on a Wednesday morning then I thought I ought to share it with you.

Surely this will pip Alexandra to the Christmas number 1?

Take it away Mr Chris Moyles….

Chris Moyles and the Missing Bhuna – YouTube

STOP PRESS – New Marketing eBook Now Available

Sales writing is probably one of the hardest things to do.

It isn’t about how clever you are at writing amusing phrases or snappy catch-phrases. It’s not even about how impressive your vocabulary is. Sales writing is about one thing, and one thing only.

Your reader.

Forget that and you might as well not bother. I know many people think that using a freelance copywriter is a bit of an unnecessary expense. But is it?

Think about it for a second. If you don’t have to do the writing you will have time to get on with more important things. By using a copywriter you will get great sales copy that will actually work because it will be about the needs of your customers and not about how great your company is.

So if you look at it that way, a copywriter will not only save you time and money, but they will also make you money – you can’t lose!

So what has all of this got to do with a new marketing eBook?

Well, you need to consider every communication you have with your customers. Although you will get a professional in to write your webcopy or brochure text you probably won’t use one for daily emails etc.

Therefore I have put together a free eBook which details the 5 Simple Steps to Sensational Marketing which should be followed for all customer correspondence.

To get your free copy simply visit my website, complete your details and download it. As a thank you, you will also receive regular news from me with more copywriting hints and tips.

Happy reading.
