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Warning – Get Your Own Blog, Not One From WordPress

As business owners, we all know and appreciate the power of blogging. Some say it has had its day but I still believe in it, especially now that it can be enhanced by Twitter micro blogging. However, a word of caution – be careful if you are using the services of companies such as WordPress.

When I began my business I wanted to start a blog. It would provide a fantastic resource for writers of all abilities by being full of copywriting hints and tips and a vehicle to drive traffic to my website. I was a novice at all things internet so I opted to use the services of WordPress.

It was so easy to set up. Once I had chosen my theme I was up and running within minutes. Blogs were flowing from my finger tips. Everything was going great. That was until about 3 weeks ago.

You may not realise this but WordPress can pull the plug on your blog at anytime – without warning.

To cut a rather tedious story short, WordPress had mistakenly thought I had overstepped their code of conduct. Personally, I would have expected them to get in touch with me. But no, they opted to suspend my blog. To make matters worse, I only found out about it  when I tried to log in to write a new post.

That’s right, there was no warning. To add insult to injury whenever someone tried to look at my blog all they saw was a blank screen saying ”Account Suspended”. What kind of impression does that give?

After a tense couple of days I finally got my blog reinstated and an apology from WordPress, but the damage had already been done.

Now I have my own blog under my own URL (www.freelancecopywritersblog.com) – I am fully in charge, all the traffic benefits me and not WordPress and no one can pull the plug without me knowing about it!

So please heed this warning – if you have a blog through a company such as WordPress (I have no experience of the other blog providers so don’t know what their proceedures are) this could happen to you. My advice to you is simple – get your own URL, your own blog (the internet is crammed with free templates), SEO it to the max and then you will not only be able to blog for as long as you want (by your own rules) you will also directly benefit from the traffic you get.

