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Building Relationships Through Your Newsletter

newsletter marketing

Regular contact with your customers (and prospective customers) is vital, which is why many businesses now produce a monthly (or at least regular) newsletter.

It is a great way to nurture relationships.

They can be used to convey great information, industry updates, special offers, announcements, helpful hints—anything that will add value to your customers.

By maintaining regular contact in this way you are ensuring your business name remains firmly lodged in their mind so when they are in need, it is you they will turn to.

The best way to develop your mailing list is to grow it organically—home grown will always bring in better results than a bought in list.

So how do you ensure you and your customers get the most out of your business relationship?

Well, here are 3 ways to ensure your newsletter works:

1. Opt-in

If you want someone to opt into your mailing list, you have to make it easy for them.

There’s no point in hiding your opt-in form so your reader has to search your entire website for it—because they won’t bother.

Make sure your sign-up box is highly visible, preferably on every page and simple to complete.

It would also be a good idea to quickly tell them what they can expect to receive from you, the frequency of your mailings, oh, and reassure them that you won’t share their details with anyone else.

2. Content

What you send out each month is critical.

Don’t make your content overly promotional and certainly don’t start with a sales pitch.

Kick off with a recommendation, article, or comment on industry news. Then enhance your relationship further by offering a hint or tip that your reader will find useful. Once you’ve given them something you can then bring in your offer or a case study to promote your products/services.

If you are unsure about how or what to write, it may be an idea to enlist the help of a freelance copywriter to write the content for you.

Just remember always give first and ask second.

3. Two way traffic

If you want your newsletter to enhance your relationship make sure it is easy for your reader to interact with you.

After reading your news they may want to get in touch so don’t use a “no-reply” email address. Make it simple for them.

The main thing to remember about using a regular newsletter to keep in touch with your customers is that it shouldn’t all be about selling.

Your newsletter should be used to add value to your relationship. Be generous with your information as this will develop trust and with trust comes sales.

How to Increase Your Newsletter Subscribers

copywriter - newsletter

Sending out a regular newsletter is a great way to market to your customers.

But not only that, they also offer a vital link between you and your customers. Regular content that adds value, will keep your customers loyal.

But how to do you go about increasing the number of newsletter subscribers you have? Well, here are a few suggestions to help you.

1. Show them

Signing up to a newsletter is often an unknown quantity for many people. They are handing over their email address to a complete stranger so to make the process less painful, show them what they’re going to get.

Set up a sample newsletter that they can click through to from your website. Of course, if you do this you will then have to ensure that all future editions of your newsletter are similar.

2. If all else fails, bribe

Bribery is perfectly acceptable. Make it worth their while. Offer them something for free – eBook, report, discount – whatever it is, it must be something of value.

3. Timing

When you ask for a sign up is very important. If you sell through your website, the prime opportunity is when they have just bought something from you.

Make good use of your ‘Thank you for ordering’ screen and make sure your opt-in box is in a prominent place. If you often incorporate offers in your newsletters tell them, if they’ve bought from you once, the chances are they will again.

4. Segmentation

If you offer a range of products or services, it would be best to offer different newsletters for different sections of your business. After all, not everyone is going to be interested in everything you sell. Plus if the content of the newsletter is tailored to their specific interests, they more likely to remain subscribed.

5. Pretty

Don’t just bang out any old newsletter. Make sure it is easy on the eye and looks professional. Also, before sending, check it in all email browsers. The last thing you want is for some recipients to receive a ‘broken’ email.

6. Great content

This is really the key to retaining your subscribers. Make sure every issue is packed with interesting and relevant copy that will reflect your readers’ interests.

7. Second chance

Even if you follow tips 1 to 6, you will still get some people unsubscribe. Firstly, don’t take it personally. Secondly, this is a great chance to convince them to stay.

When they get through to your unsubscribe page, offer them a change of frequency or ask them to select a more specific newsletter from your segmented list.

Are you a regular user of newsletters? If so, how do you make sure you keep your readers interested?

Sally Ormond – freelance copywriter

Newsletter Content – What Do I Write?


Producing a regular newsletter for your business is a great marketing tool.

Whether you write the content yourself or you hire a freelance copywriter, you must ensure the content is something your reader will want to read. If not, you’ll be buried under an avalanche of unsubscribers.

What makes a good newsletter?

This might sound obvious, but the clue is in the name – newsletter.

Yes, you’ve got it – news.

Tell them something they’ll be interesting in such as the latest industry news, tips that will be of use in their work, articles that are relevant to their industry etc.

This will help strengthen your relationship with your customers.

What makes a bad newsletter?

A newsletter that bangs on constantly about your achievements, your products and your services.

You walk a fine line because you’ll want your newsletter to generate business for you but you also want to build strong relationships.

How do I achieve the ultimate balance?

You provide information that is useful and relevant and within that copy you weave references to your products and services. Within this context they will appear as being of service to your reader rather than self-serving.

What kind of articles can I lead with?

It’s always a good idea to have a lead article for your newsletter. If you have too many subjects within one issue you’re reader may be left confused. Some great ideas for this are:

  • Latest industry news
  • Advice
  • Analysis on a new topic or product
  • How-to article
  • Case studies because people love to read real life stories

Your additional material could be things like – product updates, news about upcoming events, general information or reminders and teasers for the next issue

Of course – the final thing to remember (as with all email communication) is to include an opt-out option.

How Newsy is Your Newsletter?


In the business world a newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your customers to keep them informed with what’s happening in your world and, of course, keeping your name in their minds.

But there are so many companies out there who are getting it badly wrong. In my post about newsletter marketing I gave you some tips about how to use a newsletter. Sadly, many companies are using them as glorified adverts.

That is such a bad idea.

Your newsletter should give added value to your relationship with your client. Granted, that would mean once in a while you may want to convey a special offer or details of a new product. But do that only once in a while.

Adding value is all about reciprocity. Give information, share tips, bring them some news that will benefit them. By doing this regularly you will earn your clients’ trust. In return, they will be more likely to come to you when they need your services.

The temptation to write a newsletter thinly veiled as an advert is too much for some people. I came across this post recently by inbox marketer explaining that Good Newsletters Aren’t Brochures which has some useful tips on this exact point.

Q: What happens if your newsletters are just selling, selling, selling.

A: The recipients will unsubscribe, forget who you are and buy from your competitor who has been providing them useful hints and tips.

Newsletter Marketing


We all know the old adage that you have to make seven impressions on a prospect before they buy. We also all know that it doesn’t always happen because we are fickle creatures and we all have different motivations that make us part with our hard earned cash.


That is one of the best sounds when you’re in business.

Happy customers are customers who come back again and again and spread the word about your company. But how can you be sure they’ll  remember your name when they need your services again? Let’s face it, it could easily be a year or more and time does have a tendency to
erase the memory.

The answer is simple…

How effective is your newsletter?

I am assuming you send out a newsletter.

You do, don’t you?

If not, you’re missing a great marketing opportunity. Not only does your newsletter act as a reminder to your customers that you are there whenever they need you, but it also acts as a great sales tool.

Of course to get people to sign up for your newsletter you’ll need to offer them something. It could be anything from a free eBook to tips and advice. But whatever it is, it has to add value to the buyer-seller relationship.

Don’t become a one-trick pony

Don’t use your newsletter purely as a sales tool – that will just lead to a flood of unsubscribers. Use it as a way of adding value to your relationship with them:

  1. Give tips and advice
  2. Tell them about the other services you offer
  3. Use it to convey special offers
  4. Provide information they may find of interest

An offer perhaps once a quarter is enough, any more frequently than that and they’ll get fed up, unsubscribe or just stick you in the junk mail.

Of course, the biggest problem any business faces with this kind of marketing is finding the time. If your newsletter is going to be effective it needs to be regular. The odd intermittent issue will leave your readers wondering what’s going on. Of course, running a regular newsletter requires:

  • Time
  • Content
  • A creative flare for putting it all together in aninteresting way

You may already have this covered by a member of staff, but if it is one of those jobs that is constantly pushed to the bottom of your ‘to-do’ pile, perhaps you should consider outsourcing and leaving someone else with the monthly headache.
