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August 14th, 2013 — Pinterest
Although an avid user of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, Pinterest is a social media platform that I’ve not yet dabbled in. 
Perhaps it’s the image-based content that doesn’t seem to sit well with the work of a copywriter that’s holding me back?
But whatever is it, even though I’ve not yet dabbled, there are many businesses out there embracing the world of pinning.
Due to my lack of experience, I hunted round the internet to find a great resource to help you get the most of this unique social media platform.
My search led me to a post on Social Media Examiner that looks at 3 unique ways you can use Pinterest to promote your business.
The article looks at:
- Using it to increase your brand authority by creating boards that offer useful and educational information. These can be top tips, recommendations and a mixture of video and images.
- Expanding your reach through group boards (engaging with the Pinterest community), collaborating with popular pinners with a large following.
- Driving traffic to your site by providing re-pinnable content – great images combined with content that inspires, solves problems or appeals to hobbyists.
To give your Pinterest activities a boost, head over to the article now and discover how you can use Pinterest to boost your business.
Sally Ormond – copywriter – find her on Twitter and Google+
May 10th, 2013 — Pinterest
As a copywriter and general word nerd, Pinterest is one social media platform I’ve not played with. But never wanting to be kept in the dark, I’ve been looking round for information about how to use it.
Initially it was a personal platform and not something you could effectively use to promote your business. But at the end of last year, Pinterest launched its business pages so you can now use it commercially.
My search for expert advice took me to one of my favourite blogs, Social Media Examiner.
Their post ‘How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Products’ offers tips on how to use Pinterest within your business’ marketing strategy. Not only that, but there is also a link to take you to a guide on how to convert your personal Pinterest profile to a commercial one.
So if you are a ‘Pinner’ or ate thinking about using it within your marketing strategy, take a look at their post for some ideas on how you can use it to promote your products.
July 11th, 2012 — marketing, Pinterest, social media, social media marketing, social media training
Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, ‘re-pin’ images to their own collections and/or ‘like’ photos. Pinterest’s mission is to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting” via a global platform of inspiration and idea sharing. Pinterest allows its users to share ‘pins’ on both Twitter and Facebook, which allows users to share and interact with a broad community.
Source: Wikipedia
Have you been bitten by the Pinterest bug yet?
Personally, I haven’t. It’s not something that I really ‘get’ – admittedly because it doesn’t really appeal to me.
But there are a lot of buisnesses out there who’ve had a lot of success with it and a study by SteelHouse identified that ‘Pinterest users are nearly twice as likely to purchase than Facebook users.’
However, many B2B businesses (like my copywriting business) are struggling with the whole concept of promoting themselves through this pictorial platform.
Thankfully, those wonderful people at SocialMediaExaminer have come up with a post helping people just like me.
They explore 7 tips for successfully using Pinterest in a B2B business.
In it they look at how some B2B businesses are using Pinterest by:
- Using infographics
- Ebooks, guides and white papers
- Engaging with their fans
- Displaying their products
- Displaying their work culture
- Using pin brand-related images
- Showing how they are serving the community
Take a quick look, it might just give you the motivation to start Pinteresting your business.
March 23rd, 2012 — Pinterest, social media, social media marketing, social networking
The social media landscape is constantly changing.
The latest offering is Pinterest, a virtual pinboard that allows you to organise and share things you find on the web.
If, like me, you’re not really up to speed with this yet and can’t really see how it would benefit you, this handy post on SocialMediaExaminer.com might help.
It takes a look at 26 tips for using Pinterest for your business.
Grab a coffee and have a read –26 Tips for Using Pinterest for Business
Over to you
What do you reckon?
Is it going to be the next big thing?
Are you already using it?
Leave a comment below and tell us what you think.