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Using QR Codes Creatively

Last year, we posted a blog about Using QR Codes as Part of Your Marketing Strategy.

Although they’ve been around for quite some time now, they still aren’t used as prevalently as one would expect in today’s digital world. There have been a number of occasions when their use has been far from successful, such as in places where you can’t use your phone to scan them e.g. underground or up high on billboards, in TV commercials or in emails you receive on your phone.

However, as  a creative and affordable method of advertising, there are some companies out there that have actually thought it through properly to come up with come effective marketing ideas.

Of course, some decide to go down the route of using them to generate hype rather than interactivity, but if it works, why not?

To illustrate just a few innovative ideas take a look at this post featured on the Content Marketing Institute website:

7 Creative and Effective QR Code Examples From Arounf the World.

Over to you

Are you using QR codes as part of your marketing strategy?

If so, how are you using them and how successful have they been?

Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you.

Sally Ormond – MD and Copywriter at Briar Copywriting Ltd


Using QR Codes as Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

A few months back I wrote a post about QR Codes and how they can help you market your business.

But before you dive in and get yourself one of these snazzy little boxes, you must make sure you think carefully about how you and your customers will use it.

You should also ask yourself how tech-savvy your customers are.

If you suddenly adopt the QR Code as a means of accessing special offers or how to sign up to your newsletter you could be seriously limiting your market reach.

A lot of your customers won’t know what one of these strange little boxes is yet alone what it’s for. They may not even be interested in scanning it (even if they knew how) so make sure you offer other was of signing up too.

A few things to remember

1. Educate

If you’re going to use a QR Code tell people what it is, what they need to do and how to read it. Plus tell them it will take them to a great offer, your mobile site or a sign up form so they know what to expect when they get there.

2. Give them a helping hand

Not everyone with a smartphone will have a QR Code reading app.

Let them know they need an app, where to get one from and, perhaps, suggest some that you know work.

3. What do you want them to do?

Once you’ve educated your customers, shown there where to get their app and what to do with it, give some thought about what you want them to do.

The landing page that the QR Code takes them to has to do something so make sure it has a strong call to action.

4. Make it easy to read

Your QR Code has to be flat and uncreased to scan properly. So placing it on a t-shirt may look cool but it won’t work.

Have you started using QR Codes yet?

Leave a comment and let us know how you’re using your QR Code.

  • Do you have a novel way of displaying it?
  • Where does it take your customers?
  • Has it been well received and well used?

It would be really interesting to hear some of your success or horror stories.

QR Codes – What Are They?

QR Code You’ve probably seen these curious boxes of random black squares on a white background and wondered what on earth they are.

Well these little fellas are QR codes (Quick Response Codes) and can be used to boost your business.

Not convinced?

Well I came across this great post on Vertical Response’s blog which goes into detail about what the QR Codes do, how they work and how they can help your business.

Basically, anyone with an app on their smartphone will be able to scan the QR code and gain access to a web page.

So how does that help your business?

Well it means that you can display your code practically anywhere and direct traffic to:

  • Get more customers by sending them to a web page that contains a special offer
  • Build your email list by directing them to a web page that allows them to sign up for a free report
  • View a customer service video

If you want to stay one step ahead of your competitors have a read of the Vertical Response post – it could give your business a boost.
