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Should You Have Video on Your Website?


Your website is a reflection of your business.

For many people it will be the first contact they have with you therefore it must portrait your business in a professional, approachable way.

Your website’s design and the copywriting it contains will go a long way to persuading your reader that you are the company for them, but what if you want to get even more personal?

The power of video

You may have noticed while browsing the net that more and more companies are incorporating video on their website.

But do you think they are a good thing and could you use the power of video to enhance your message?

Well let’s take a few minutes to think about what a video could do:

1. Personal touch

A corporate video, especially one showing you, is a powerful way of conveying your (or your company’s) personality to your viewer. Although it is possible to use the written word to convey this too, writing is unable to show your personality in the same was as a video.

By directly speaking to your customer, you will make an instant connection and they will feel as though they already know you when they decide to do business with you.

2. Product/service insight

It is also a means of quickly showing your product/service range to your viewer.

Rather than having to navigate through your website to read about the particular product/service they need, a video can quickly show them what you can offer. Of course, you can also utilise videos as ‘How to’ guides to provide your visitor with a comprehensive library of help topics which will add value to your relationship with them.

3. Innovative

The use of video on your website will also show you as a forward thinking organisation. Utilising the latest technology shows you as a company that thinks beyond the normal limits of marketing.

4. Search engine optimisation

Google loves video so incorporating it within your website will give your search engine optimisation a boost. Whether you host it directly on your website or bring it in from YouTube, utilising the descriptive element of your video will enhance your online visibility.

Sounds great doesn’t it? But there are also a few other things you have to take into consideration…

  • Music – not everyone will be thrilled if your website begins to blast out music as soon as it’s open. Make sure there is an obvious icon to click to mute or reduce the decibels.
  • Auto play – don’t have your video on autoplay. Have it plainly visible so your reader can decide when (or if) they want to play the video.
  • Load speed – video can affect the load time of your website so be careful. When browsing the net people aren’t going to want to hang around while your site loads.

Video can be a very powerful sales tool. It makes an instant connection with the viewer, offers an innovative way to market your products and a valuable tool through which you can offer help and guidance to your customers.
