Let me ask you something. What do you look for in a website?
You probably want a website that is eye-catching, interesting and that is going to give you the answers you are looking for.
In that case, why do so many businesses tick the eye-catching box and then stop?
Website copywriting is the best way to get visitors and keep them.
But be warned writing great online content is not as easy as it would seem. Yes you can probably write, and yes you know your business better than anyone. But that is exactly why you should get a website copywriter in to write the content for you.
A website copywriter is trained to write to your reader. You may think that is easy; if it were, every website you came across would be like that, but very few are.
Here are 6 simple steps to help you create a sticky website:
1. Loads of white space
Break up your text into bite size chunks. Short paragraphs will make it appear easier on the eye and more readable.
2. Simple language
Keep your language simple. People will be put off by fancy words and long sentences. Don’t forget to use the magic words.
3. Benefits
Ask yourself what it is that your customer wants. Website copywriting is all about selling the benefits – What is it about your product that will make their life easier? Answer that in your first paragraph and you’ll have them hooked.
4. Titles and subtitles
Break down your text and give it headings. That way, your reader can see at a glance what your page is about.
5. Keywords
You would have done your keyword research but don’t over stuff your copy. Concentrate on 2 or 3 main keywords per page. Use them in the titles and then once or twice in the body text. Remember you are writing for your reader first and the search engines second.
6. Call to action
Once you have your reader don’t leave them wandering what to do next. Make your call to action as clear and simple as possible.
Take a look at your website. Could it be improved?
If you were honest, I bet it could. So please never make the mistake of thinking about the services of a website copywriter as an expense. Instead, think of it as an investment. Any money spent will be recouped many times over.

[…] a freelance website copywriter, it is something that I deal with regularly for clients. And something that I often see done badly. […]
Good stuff, on my various blogs, I am constantly trying to apply these same things. Especially breaking up the text and writing in simple terms.
[…] is your website copy, newsletters, email content, blogs, articles…and that’s just for starters. So you see, […]
[…] They really are the secret weapon of marketeers. You see it is their creativity that makes an advertisement memorable or a website readable. […]
[…] successful copywriters write the copy for a product or website, they choose their words carefully to ensure they stick in the reader’s mind. Just think for a […]
Web site content writing is essential to your success as an online business owner because content is the most integral element looked at by search engines when they determine your page ranking.
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