The 5 Benefits of Article Writing You Might Miss

As already mentioned in my earlier blog 7 Ways Articles Increase Your Prospects, Publicity and Profits, writing articles is a great way to promote your business.

Few people realise the power of writing articles, or the influence that an article can have. Many people hear about writing articles and submitting them to article directories, but it is not so common for people to do it.

Since even writing one article takes time, the lazy internet marketer won’t do it.  But those that are willing to take time to write and submit them will truly generate a good amount of traffic to their website.

Article Authors recognise and understand that this technique is a powerful tool for driving traffic to their website.

Here are some benefits that you will get will you start now and submit your articles.

It’s free advertising

Submitting your articles to article directories won’t cost you a penny; its just takes time. But this method of driving traffic to your website will have a long term affect.

Be recognised as an expert in your field

When you write decent articles that are filled with valuable information, people will respect you and see you as an expert.

Generate sales

Writing an article is similar to writing sales copy.  Although they have different purposes the principle is the same – “One drives traffic, another generate sales”.

Build a good opt-in list

Article writing can help you build your opt-in list. By simply adding your link to your article you could grab their email address.

Open opportunities for joint ventures or for finding a business partner

By building your reputation within your field, some of your readers may become interested in joint ventures or becoming business partner – it could open many doors for you.

Writing articles is great way to drive traffic to your website.  Don’t underestimate the power of article writings.  The more you write, the more you enjoy writing it, and the better your articles will be.

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#1 6 Rewards of Regular Article Writing | Freelance Copywriters Blog on 04.06.09 at 11:07 am

[…] a better way to advertise your business or website – article writing – ideal for those who want great benefits that don’t cost anything. That’s just about […]

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